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Life in the Civil Service
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Be the voice of Wales closer to home

Industry, energy, the environment, social care, and culture – the UK Civil Service influences all of this and more. Now we’re bringing senior Civil Service roles to locations all across Wales. Use your talent and experience to transform the communities you’re part of.

Have real influence on how the UK is governed. Build a career with a future for everyone.

Bridge over a river in Wales.

Welsh talent – Career opportunities closer to home

Join us and you’ll not only help to shape policy closer to home but also have a positive impact nationwide.

We’ll be committed to your growth and development in return. We’ll offer you opportunities to progress your career and broaden your experience that few organisations can match. We’re here to support our people because they support the nation.

The Civil Service career offer

When you begin your career in the Civil Service you will join an inclusive team, with exciting opportunities to help shape what happens within society.

In recent years, civil servants have worked on areas that have had a big impact on citizens, including the COVID-19 response, EU exit and international trade, cyber security, and the economy, to name a few.

The UK Civil Service offers many different avenues for potential applicants to join our organisation, including the Civil Service Fast Stream and Civil Service Apprenticeships.

Have a look, and see if any of them are right for you.

Portrait of Glynne Jones, Director, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales

“If you’re an ambitious Welsh resident looking for a job where you can make a real difference to the lives of people, then start a career in the Civil Service. As an organisation dedicated to levelling up it offers a variety of opportunities to build a career in Wales without having to move to London”

Glynne Jones

Director, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales

Learn more about the Civil Service in Wales

The three major cities in Wales are the capital, Cardiff (447,287), Newport (306,844) and Swansea (300,352). The major towns by population are Tonypandy, Bridgend and Barry.

The Department for International Trade has chosen Cardiff as a regional hub. As well as attracting up to 100 jobs, the move will support Welsh firms in growing exports and attracting inward investment.

Where could you work?

  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
  • Home Office
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Office for National Statistics
The Millenium Centre in Cardiff.