Your career doesn’t need to be linear. You can move across specialisms to develop transferable knowledge, skills and competencies in different areas. Think of a career lattice rather than the traditional idea of a career ladder. You will always remain a member of the Government Occupational Psychology Profession.
“We work in, through, on, above, below and beyond the system. For us this means flexing our professional muscles across every bit of the employee lifecycle. To ensure our people are supported fairly and ethically to thrive, to do their best, to be resilient and well. We are the people wrap-around and our collective interventions create safe, skilled and productive workplaces.”
Sonia Pawson C.Psychol, AFBPsS, Registered Occupational Psychologist
Former Head of Government Occupational Psychology Profession (2019-2024) and Director of Government Skills/Head of Civil Service Fast Stream (2020-2024)
We uphold high standards of ethics and professional conduct. All our members are encouraged to be members of the British Psychological Society and adhere to its Code of Ethics & Conduct. This focusses on four primary ethical principles: respect, competence, responsibility and integrity, which provide a framework for our decision-making. Our members in designated psychology posts must adhere to both the British Psychological Society’s Code of Ethics & Conduct and the Health & Care Professions Council’s Standards of Conduct, Performance & Ethics.
Members who work in designated occupational psychologist posts at HEO grade will be enrolled on a qualification to become a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society and a Registered Occupational Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council. This is a training contract worth over £12,000 as it includes training fees, supervision, work experience, learning and development. You will be supervised on this accreditation journey by an existing Registered Occupational Psychologist who will support you to become a fully qualified Occupational Psychologist.
The Health and Care Professions Council is the regulatory body for practitioner psychologists in the UK who assess psychologists as meeting the minimum standards for safe and effective practice. Chartered Psychologists reflect the highest standard of psychological knowledge, expertise and practice.
For more information about occupational psychology roles in the Civil Service, and the related skills and standards, please see the Occupational Psychology Profession Skills and Standards, Psy masters: A guide to the occupational psychology profession, BPS Psychology Careers Festival – Government Occupational Psychology Profession video and the Developing specialist skills within government: A guide to specialist training